Who is Jamie Wallace?

Jamie Wallace
2 min readJun 20, 2021


This is a question I often ask myself!

Who am I?

A Wee Intro From Me!

I’m a philosopher, a writer, an entrepreneur of sorts, a linguist, a psychologist, a traveller, a lover, a poet, a dick at times, a mentor, a strategist when it suits me, a people coach, a Gaelic master, a French and German speaker, a dabbler of Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese, an influencer sometimes, a trainer, a go-getter, an over-achiever, a Scotsman, a global citizen, Seumaidh®, The Long Distance Coach™… I am always what what you think I am — in your eyes anyway, probably! I am always real, that i’m sure of. We are all many things, aren’t we?

I learned painfully at an early age (18) from a ‘hero’ that it does not matter who I think I am, as others will always have their own thoughts I won’t be able to control — even those closest to me. People say we make our minds up about someone in a matter of seconds of our initial introduction. This said, about a decade ago I somehow learned how to influence people in the things I’m passionate about and I realised I enjoyed having the responsibility.

I hope I’ve intrigued you enough to keep an open mind about me though and give yourself the opportunity to get to know me as I begin my journey here on Medium as a writer, blogger, poster, or whatever it is I’m doing on here! Words are important to us all, right? Follow me anyway, and allow me the opportunity to craft my writing skills here on the Medium platform — it’s my intention and hope that over time you’ll see how I develop and improve with the content I post and over time as well you’ll get to form your own opinion of who I am. And likewise, in return, I’ll get to see you through my own eyes too.

I’ll be writing about past things, things i’m doing now and things i’m looking to do, and I’ll look at things from different perspectives at times. It’s vague, I know. But so is life sometimes — especially when there’s a global pandemic going on for most of us and it’s created obstacles that need to be overcome!

Anyhoo, tell me…

Who are you?



Jamie Wallace
Jamie Wallace

Written by Jamie Wallace


I'm a writer of sorts, a European guy born in Scotland with interests in life, travel, psychology and languages.

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